Fees and Charging
Workpays recognises the benefits that effective subcontracting can bring in extending the range of accessibility of provision offered to learners and responding to the requirements of the local labour market.
Supply Chain Charges Policy
Workpays review the diversity of its delivery partners on an ongoing basis. This is undertaken to meet the ever-changing needs of learners/participants that services are delivered to and to meet the commissioner’s requirements.​
The specific details of the services provided by each party, payment terms, rates, and payment triggers are set out in detail in each contract. Charges are calculated taking into consideration both specific services and supplier providers and those services provided by Workpays centrally.
Rationale for Subcontracting
Workpays Limited uses subcontractors to widen participation amongst learner groups that would otherwise be “hard to reach” including unemployed, inactive, not in training or education; clients and other individuals who face barriers to participation in learning and work.
Workpays also uses subcontractors to fill gaps in, and to extend the breadth of its provision: for example, by widening the range of opportunities available, and broadening the range of sector subject areas or business sectors that can be covered. This in turn enlarges the skills base of the Provider.
Workpays has contracts with the Education and Skills Funding Agency to deliver Apprenticeships, Adult Education Budget and ESF-funded provision. It fulfils this contract via Sub-Contracting arrangements with Learning Providers who are responsible for the delivery of the necessary teaching and learning to achieve the relevant qualifications. Workpays has a contractual obligation to publish its Supply Chain Fees and Charges Policy.
Workpays makes a service charge of 20% on the value of the Learning delivered by the Subcontractor. This service charge applies equally to all aspects of the Learning programme and each Subcontractor. The service fee allows for all aspects of Information, Advice and Guidance throughout the programme journey.
Workpays makes payments to all Subcontractors in an identical fashion, irrespective of the Learning Programme(s) being delivered. The payment is calculated by taking into consideration the on-programme and completion payments due and all new activity during any given month. Workpays processes all Learner paperwork received by the 20th (twentieth) day of each month. After reconciliation, each Subcontractor is asked to submit an invoice to Workpays, instructions will be issued to partners 5 working days after payment is received from the Education and Skills Funding Agency.
Upon receipt of the invoice from the Subcontractor, payment will be made within 30 working days and subject to Workpays receiving monies due from the Education and Skills Funding Agency.
Review of Policy
This Supply Chain Fees and Charges Policy is reviewed annually by Workpays and communicated to all current Subcontractors at a meeting of Subcontractors held before the beginning of each contract year. It is explained to all new potential Subcontractors at the beginning of negotiations to become a Subcontractor to Workpays.
Last reviewed: June 2023
Anne Wright
Managing Director – Workpays